Friday, March 23, 2007

DePain of DeClutter

A passion for writing has prompted me to sign up for a 90 day course with a writing coach in hopes of making my dream of writing professionally a reality. This past Monday nearly twenty aspiring writers met online for the first time for a teleseminar and introduction to the next ninety days of our writing futures.

Our instructor has given us a list of things to do, one of which is to "declutter". Huh????

Clutter is my happy place! I've moved so much over the past thirty years that I've moved with my clutter, neatly in boxes from place to place. Now I have to actually go through them and make sense of my self? Order in my life?? I don't know about this!

Depain of decluttering is what kept me here for all these years. Decluttering is about more than clearing out a box or two. Why, in my case, it means decluttering my thoughts first. My mind is fairly creative, this I know. However, it's bogged down with thoughts of "where'd I put that bill?" or "what's the date of that get-together?" Eventually I find my calendar and the bill I'm looking for and they are usually in the general area of where I thought they were. It's systematic in my way of thinking. Yet there's still more to it than in my cluttered space and mind allows me to be prevented from being what I can be but am afraid to believe about myself. It's my safe place but at the same time it's my personal prison. It's made me look at others and wonder how they accomplished all they have and what traits they have that I don't. It's lied to me! begin my week of declutter I took a step and joined Weight Watchers! While these two things may not seem to have any connection they are totally related. My mind has been cluttered for years about getting my weight under control and living a freer life not worrying about my weight, my health and appearance. I've only taken the first step but it's already giving me a sense of freedom. Not that it will be a perfect roadtrip, but taking this step means I'm making a change in my thinking and have eliminated one chunk of guilt regarding my lifestyle. If you've never battled weight you may not know the amount of time and energy these thoughts have consumed, but if you've battled any type of addiction in your life and wanted to change it then you know exactly of where I speak. This week I've taken two major steps. One, is taking my writing seriously and to another level, and two is taking better care of me by taking control of the food in my life. Whew! What an exhilirating week I've had!!

I will keep you posted on my process of decluttering my life. This will give me about another 30 years worth of writing!

Till next time!


Kathy said...

Yeah for YOU! You Go Girl! I'm looking forward to future reading by "Laura Jean" ha ha

Anonymous said...

I want your mommy too! She surely is missed in those big McAlpine clan gatherings. And she'd be tickled pink to see your beautiful, articulate writing. Tap on -- in your tap shoes and on your keyboard!

Cousin Leslie