Friday, May 04, 2007

Soul Searching....

Dashing and dodging the other drivers made me groan inside and chastise myself for not getting out an hour earlier. I'm always amazed on the weekends when traffic can be just as brutal as during the week. Many drivers are darting around those who paused for the best spot. Still other drivers find a spot to claim long before necessary and aren't about to yield. Since the spring weather is upon us sounds of crying children and barking dogs loft about. The only absent noise are blasting horns, though I'm sure some drivers wished they had them.

Yes, this was another typical weekend morning at the laundry mat. Everyone is vying for the best machine in the lineup, even though they are all identical. Carts are crashed about by some drivers while others leave their carts abandoned in the middle of the lanes never looking back

Lately I've been frequenting the laundry mat in my town while I await some work needing to be done at home. Grabbing a cup of coffee and a book I try hard to concentrate on my words whilst ignoring the commotion around me. It's nearly impossible. Many little children are frequent guests at this laundry mat and are quick to share a smile or do some little antic in hopes of gaining an audience. I never let them down. Then there are the sweet little ones who clearly don't want to be there. Often they are under one year and they are unhappy as can be, crying with such fervor caring not who they may be disturbing. What alarms me most are the parents yelling at these tykes who aren't old enough to understand that not everyone is eager to hear their next new word, or what present they left in the bathroom, or observing their temperament in action. When did "shut up" become a parenting skill used to soothe a crying child?

Everywhere you go, people are people. You see them as they are whether it be in a formal setting or a casual encounter. Our character comes through especially in the mundane tasks of our day. How we are with a shopping cart, laundry cart or vehicle indicates what we are like in other aspects of our living. Do we let others go first once in a while or are we sure we need to be at our "spot" before someone else might get it? In our effort to do things quickly do we snap at everyone else around us?

Who's watching us while we watch the others? What would they say about me?

Does Decluttering cause soul searching??

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